Enchanted Crystal

5-Hole Ab Minor Pentatonic

This tenor crystal ocarina features programmable colors and glowing patterns that can be operated with a remote control.

It is powered by an easily replaceable CR2450 battery.  You can screw the battery compartment at the bottom of the ocarina tight to connect the battery and enable the operation of the remote.


A unique ocarina featuring an illuminated quartz crystal.  

Quartz has a hexagonal crystal system, with the chemical formula, SiO2, Silicon dioxide.

The word Quartz comes from the Greek word ‘krystallos’, meaning ‘Ice’. Many ancient cultures have included Quartz in their spiritual beliefs and folklore.

Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals in the world. It exhibits the property of piezoelectricity, meaning it can transform mechanical energy, like pressure, into electromagnetic energy, and vice versa. This makes it useful in radios, microphones, watches, radio transmitters, and many other applications.

Traditionally, Quartz is viewed as ‘master healer’ and a crystal capable of great energy amplification, programmability, and memory. Quartz can be ‘programmed’ by focusing an intention into the center of the crystal. You can place your intention while playing the ocarina and the crystal will be ‘programmed’ with your thoughts and breath.  The crystal can thus serve to amplify your intentions through your music.


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